Kairos Retreat - fall semester
Kairos retreats are designed for seniors and select juniors to begin their adult faith journey. The Kairos retreat has specific goals in mind for the retreatants. A few of those goals are:
- To give retreatants an experience of Christian community
- To open the eyes of the retreatants to their own goodness, as well as the goodness of their God, their families, and their friends.
- To develop Chrisitian leaders
- To provide our youth with an experience of ministry
- To call young people to live their faith as active, vital members of the Church.
The Kairos retreat takes place at La Purisima Retreat Center in Hereford, Arizona.
Freshman Retreat
The freshmen retreat is an experience of being welcomed into the Saint Augustine community by teachers and current student leaders by providing a space for students to get to know one another and begin to build a communal Christian identity. We draw on the leadership of the older students, usually juniors, to imbue the charisma of Saint Augustine High School to those entering our community. The freshman retreat is a one-day retreat during the school week.
Sophomore Retreat
Sophomores gather off campus at a local parish, Corpus Christi, as a day for spiritual reinvigoration. The focus of this retreat is on the unique call each student has from God. Senior leaders are key to helping the sophomores adjust to their standing in the school. The Sophomore Retreat is a one-day retreat which takes place during the school week in the spring semester.
Junior Retreat
The focus of this retreat moves students towards a deeper relationship with God and the Church community. Much like the Apostles learning their leadership role in the Church, juniors will come to realize their role as leaders within the school community and how to live that out. The Junior Retreat is a one-day retreat which takes place during the school week in the spring semester.