Mission Statement
Saint Augustine Catholic High School facilitates academic excellence in a Catholic environment where students are encouraged to grow in the Christian life through dialogue, proclamation, charitable outreach, worship, and celebration.
Saint Augustine Catholic High School believes in the inherent dignity of each person and
advocates for the wellbeing of all those served, particularly the most vulnerable.
● St. Augustine Catholic High School welcomes all students whom we can serve. Youth
and parents deserve compassion, sensitivity and respect when dealing with difficult and
delicate situations.
● St. Augustine Catholic High School affirms the value of each person and we see Christ in
● Through the authority of the bishop, St. Augustine Catholic High School assists parents
as the primary educators of their children, as well as fulfills our duty to assist people to
live the fullness of the Christian life. (Code of Canon Law (CIC) cc. 794; 796 §1). 5
● St. Augustine Catholic High School models and teaches the Catholic faith to all those
enrolled in our school with the understanding that parents/guardians will respect and
support such teachings.
● St. Augustine Catholic High School educates young people to respect every person in
their particularity and difference, so that no one should suffer bullying, violence, insults,
or unjust discrimination based on their specific characteristics (such as special needs,
race, religion, gender identity, etc.).
● It is of the utmost importance that our children understand the depth of God’s love for
them and their intrinsic dignity and beauty. Children should always be and feel safe and
secure and know they are loved.(Congregation for Catholic Education, 2019)
● St. Augustine Catholic High School is an educating community of faith in which persons
can express themselves and grow in their humanity, through a process of relational
dialogue, interacting with others in a constructive way, exercising tolerance,
understanding different points of view, and creating trust in an atmosphere of authentic
harmony. We are an “educating community, a place of differences living together in
harmony”. (Congregation for Catholic Education, 2019)
● St. Augustine Catholic High School community is a place to encounter and promote
participation. We must listen carefully, in dialogue with parents, to discern the
educational needs of the students we serve. (Congregation for Catholic Education, 2019)
● St. Augustine Catholic High School respects each family’s culture. We strive to listen
carefully, in dialogue with parents, to discern the educational needs of the students we
serve. In this way, students are accompanied by a community that teaches them “to
overcome their individualism and discover, in the light of faith, their specific vocation to
live responsibly in a community with others” (Congregation for Catholic Education, 2019)
● Issues involving gender identity can be varied and complex, with each situation being
unique. Therefore, all administrative decisions made in any such situations involving
gender identity and/or same-sex attraction issues will be made on an individual basis, in
consultation with the Department of Catholic Schools and will reflect Catholic teaching.